I posted my second YouTube video last night. This past weekend my dad helped me run a 240V circuit to the shop, install the VFD, and get the South Bend 10K lathe running for the first time in it’s new home.
Knowing God
I’ve recently started going through a Bible study I had started a few years ago and never finished. It’s a workbook called Behold Your God.
I want to use this blog post to share some of the things that really stood out to me as important that I’ve learned so far from this study.
Continue reading “Knowing God”Building Something to Hold the Tool Holder Holder
I mounted the wooden shelf/tool holder holder above the lathe. The man I bought the lathe from built it, and while it looks pretty crude it is actually going to be super convenient to have easy access to my tooling!
Continue reading “Building Something to Hold the Tool Holder Holder”How Gas Regulators Work
I just posted a new video to YouTube that talks about how gas regulators work.
I’m still figuring out the whole process of making a video. In particular, I’m trying to figure out the best way of doing the audio. I tried using a microphone that connects to my phone and lets me record my voice, but if the phone’s screen turns on while recording it starts picking up a lot of electronic noise.
Continue reading “How Gas Regulators Work”Freeman Dyson’s New Book – Maker of Patterns
I just ordered Freeman Dyson’s new book Maker of Patterns on Amazon. Amazon thoughtfully inquired if I would like to start reading the book online, so I read the introduction and I have to say that I’m now even more excited to read the rest of the book.
Continue reading “Freeman Dyson’s New Book – Maker of Patterns”Bob Wildar’s Introduction to Semiconductor Devices
I recently came across the PDFs of Bob Wildar’s Introduction to Semiconductor Devices in the Computer History Museum’s digital archive. I haven’t read them yet, but from glancing through chapters 1 and 2 I’m really excited. I’ve been looking for a text that explains how transistors work, not just how to use a model to predict their behavior. While having a model is important for designing circuits, I really want to have an intuitive understanding of what happens inside of a transistor that allows it to act as an amplifier. I love “The Art of Electronics”, and while it tells you pretty much everything you need to use a transistor, it doesn’t really get into what is happening inside of a transistor (other than the famous transistor man).
Continue reading “Bob Wildar’s Introduction to Semiconductor Devices”Shaving Safety
Or, how not to cut your face off…
I love watching the YouTube channel “This Old Tony”. I could (and have) spent hours watching him making an espresso pot on the lathe, filing a hole from round to square, or talking about carbide inserts. Recently, on his 500k subscriber special video he talked about his favorite brand of blade for “safety razors”. I was taken aback, aren’t safety razors some outdated thing that went out with beehive hairdos? Well apparently beehives are back (and safety razors never went away).
Check out Jim William’s Excellent App note AN28.
Continue reading “Thermocouples”