Or, how not to cut your face off…
I love watching the YouTube channel “This Old Tony”. I could (and have) spent hours watching him making an espresso pot on the lathe, filing a hole from round to square, or talking about carbide inserts. Recently, on his 500k subscriber special video he talked about his favorite brand of blade for “safety razors”. I was taken aback, aren’t safety razors some outdated thing that went out with beehive hairdos? Well apparently beehives are back (and safety razors never went away).
Having an unusually trusting relationship with someone whose face I’ve only seen once, I quickly went to West Coast Shaving’s website and ordered myself my very own Merkur 23C long handle safety razor ($29.99) and a pack of 10 Feather replacement blades ($4.50). Feather blades are the very brand of blades used by This Old Tony for that signature machinist look.

After using my new safety razor for the last month or so I can say I highly recommend it for anyone who is dissatisfied with their Gillette Mach 25 (or who doesn’t like supporting a company thinks men shouldn’t let their kids beat each other up for sport, but that’s another story…). I know what you’re thinking “But Hunter, don’t 25 blades make the razor shave 25 times better?” Well, I’m glad you asked. It doesn’t, and in fact I think the 25 blades just irritate my face 25 times more than the safety razor does.

As a plus, I’ve now entered the 45¢ shave club and each blade lasts at least 3 weeks for me (I’m still using the one Merkur blade that came with the razor). The best part for me though is that my safety razor irritates my face much less than either the Gillette or my nice electric razor does. I used to get bumps on my neck that would be violently removed the next time I shaved. Also, feel like shaving my face with a well machined piece of solid metal helps me keep that “Blue Steel” look all day long. Try doing that when your razor has more plastic in it than metal (I’m talking to you Gillette).

It has come to my attention that AOC also recently recommended safety razors.
Yesterday I visited a school assembly w/ teens in Queens.
One of them asked, “What can WE do to combat climate change?”
2 recs:
– Skip disposable razors+switch to safety razors
– Give your tummy a break! Skip meat/dairy for a meal (easiest is bfast, I do banana & peanut butter) pic.twitter.com/BnAg4x5lGS— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 5, 2019
I can say that this is likely the only piece of policy that AOC and I will ever agree on (except for the eating banana’s and peanut butter to save the earth thing), but who knows. Maybe safety razors are something this country can rally behind in unity? Maybe AOC has secretly started watching This Old Tony? And if so, how will this affect her New Green Deal?